National Vaccine
Information Center

Your Health. Your Family. Your Choice.
MedDRA Browser

All VAERS reports use symptoms from the MedDRA symptom classification system version 27.0. The MedDRA is organized at five levels of detail:

  1. System Organ Class
  2. High-Level Group Terms
  3. High-Level Terms
  4. Preferred Terms
  5. Lower Level Terms

Although the full MedDRA is proprietary information, a partial listing is shown here which includes only those terms that are found in VAERS reports. Note that the full MedDRA has 88,345 LLT symptoms, but VAERS uses only 18,002 (20%).

You can search this MedDRA hierarchy by typing one or more words here and clicking 'Find'. It will show a new window with those symptoms that match all of the words.


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