National Vaccine
Information Center

Your Health. Your Family. Your Choice.
VAERS Search Help
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Choosing Cases Choosing Cases
Examples Symptoms

Choosing Cases (Sections 2-6)

Sections 2-6 of the Search Form lets you choose which of the VAERS Cases will be presented. Each Case has dozens of fields that describe the injury in different ways. These Sections of the search form let you request Cases whose fields meet certain requirements.

Section 2: Symptoms

Section 2 of the Search Form lets you choose Cases based on their symptoms. Each Case in the VAERS database has four different fields that relate to symptoms:

Section 3: Vaccines

Section 3 of the Search Form lets you choose Cases based on the vaccinations that were given. Each Case in the VAERS database has a number of different fields that relate to the vaccination:

Section 4: Event Characteristics

Section 4 of the Search Form lets you choose Cases based on event characteristics such as outcome, delays, and other factors. Each Case in the VAERS database has a number of different fields that describe these characteristics:

Section 5: Demographics

Section 5 of the Search Form lets you choose Cases based on the demographics of the patient: their age, sex, and location.

Section 6: Dates

Section 6 of the Search Form lets you choose Cases based on the dates of activity. Each activity has a From and a To date that can be set to any year or month. These date ranges are inclusive: Cases whose dates fall exactly on the lower or upper date will be chosen.

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21525 Ridgetop Circle, Suite 100, Sterling, VA 20166