National Vaccine
Information Center

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VAERS Search Help
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Introduction Introduction
Presentations Presentations
Choosing Cases Choosing Cases
Examples Symptoms

Presentations (Section 1)

Section 1 of the Search Form lets you select how the chosen VAERS cases will be presented. There are four different presentations, any of which can be choosen:


When making a Table or Graph, you have a choice of different groupings. Tables can handle to up to five different groupings; Graphs can handle up to two different groupings. The possible groupings are:


Tables allows you to group the chosen cases in up to five different categories at once. The default is a grouping by Age, and a sample Age table is shown in the top-left below. If a second grouping is chosen, the table is larger and shows the second category as a subgroup of the first (the example on the right is a two-level table, by Age and Event Outcome). Tables can be up to five levels deep.

Tablulate Age:

Age, sorted descending by result:

Tabulate Age and Outcome Category:

The arrows at the top of the table allow it to be sorted differently. The red arrow indicates the current sorting and the green arrows indicate the other possible sortings. The initial sorting, shown in the two top examples, is the natural ordering of the group elements. The arrows on the right side let you sort by the result values, either ascending or descending. The lower left example shows the Age table sorted by descending result values.


Graphs allows you to chart some of the fields in the chosen cases. The default is to graph by Age, as shown in the top-left below. If a second grouping is chosen, the graph has multiple lines for each of the second group's elements (the example in the lower-left is a two-level graph).

Age Graph, line chart:

Age and Sex Graph, line chart:

Age Graph, bar chart:

Age and Sex Graph, axes swapped:

Below the graph are check boxes and other controls that let you change the way the graph is presented.

If you hover the mouse over any point in the graph, you will see the value at that point.


Maps display a map of the United States that has been colorized to show the density of cases in each state and territory. An example is shown here. Included with the map is a table showing the actual state values.

Maps can be adjusted for census data so that, instead of showing the total number of cases that occurred in each state, they show the number of cases per person in each state. This normalizes the data so that highly-populated states don't always appear bad. Choose the census data you want to apply, or disable it if you want to see the number of cases independent of population adjustment.

Case Details

Case Details list every chosen Case, showing all of its fields. Two cases are shown in the example below.

If you know the VAERS identification number of a particular Case, you can see it by entering the VAERS ID number in the box and then checking Show VAERS ID. When you do this, none of the other search criteria in sections 2-6 will be used, and instead the chosen result will consist of just this case.

There are two options available in Section 1 of the search form under the "Show Case Details" checkbox.

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